
No Rate Increase for RPU Customers

In a recent board meeting, officials at Rochester Public Utilities made a recommendation to not raise their rates.

The company has been able to keep their water rates the same for the past five years and they're electricity rates for the last three. They say it's because of their recent efforts to conserve energy.

"I think it's a good sign and I have to applaud them for not raising it," resident Carl Augustin said.

"Especially now coming towards the holidays and stuff. It's just a lot of extra money that people will need to put out of their pockets," Kenton Derr added.

Representatives at RPU say many factors including a slow economy and slow construction industry have helped to keep rates low.

"There isn't as much electricity and water being used. There isn't as much development. We're also working with a lot of customers residential and commercial to conserve water and electricity," RPU Communications Specialist Tony Benson said.

Dozens of companies including Bowman Tool and Machinery have worked to conserve energy.

Simple things like new light bulbs, fans, and energy efficient air compressors are saving Bowman thousands of dollars a month on power.

"I think it's something that we all have to do as business people in the United States," Bowman President Bill Bowman said.

But Bowman isn't the only company making changes.

At RPU they're installing high efficiency lighting in their parking lot.

Workers say it's just one small way of showing the company's commitment to conserving energy.

"I think we've really stepped up and shown our customers that we're listening and we're making adjustments on our end to really minimize rate increases," Benson explained.

The 2012 energy rates haven't been set in stone. Even though company officials made their recommendation; the RPU board has until November 15th to make a decision.

