
The future with LEDs

The development of the market for LED lighting presents a variety of hurdles and challenges, beyond the obvious technical ones of making efficient and reliable products at prices competitive with conventional lighting. In this session Marc Ledbetter, Program Manager at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory , will discuss DOE's CALiPER program for independently-testing commercial LED lighting products, with a focus on test results for LED replacement lamps. Both recent results and plans for the future will be presented.

Utility involvement in the adoption of SSL will likely prove to be a key element in market adoption. Carolyn Weiner of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) and Jon Linn of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships will give a joint presentation entitled "Transforming the SSL Markets with the Support of Standards and Utility Energy-Efficiency Programs."

Another set of key players in SSL adoption are the electrical contractors, who are often heavily involved in the decision-making process for new lighting installations. John Maisel, Publisher of Electrical Contractor magazine, will discuss recent market-research results that point to a shift in both the role and scope of electrical contractors in implementing LED lighting.

A presentation by Ron Steen, VP of Market Development at Xicato, will address color-quality issues of LED sources, showing practical examples of white-color variation and challenging the audience to define levels of acceptability. Included in the presentation will be a live demonstration of these concepts.

Although museum lighting represents a relatively small niche in the overall lighting market, it is one of the most demanding applications, and represents a rigorous testing environment for the attributes of LED lighting. Naomi Miller, a highly-regarded lighting designer with an extensive background in SSL, and now at PNNL, will present the results of three DOE Gateway demonstration projects on museum lighting.

This session will feature speakers who will discuss their visions of the future of LED lighting, including the opportunities as well as the challenges. Leading off the session will be Mark McClear, Global Director for Applications Engineering at Cree LED Components. His presentation will address "The Next Big Thing" in LED lighting, including new innovations that are on the horizon in the context of what is achievable and affordable, when and why.

Nadarajah Narendran, Director of Research at the LRC, will give a presentation on overcoming the technical and human factors challenges of SSL. He will discuss the recent research findings of the Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and Technologies (ASSIST) in areas such as light-source flicker, compatibility of LED replacement lamps with residential dimmers, and driver lifetime projections, and the performance of SSL in various applications.

Amy Olay, Senior Engineer with the San Jose Department of Transportation, will discuss the Californian city's program of "smart" street-light systems. Her presentation will review the strategies pursued, the lessons learned, and the city's next steps.

Concluding the session and the LEDs in Lighting track will be Sam Klepper, CMO and Executive VP, Redwood Systems, with a presentation entitled "Introducing the Digital Age of Lighting." Klepper will define what it means to be "digital" and "internet scale" in the context of commercial lighting systems, and will explore the larger impact of this digital shift in lighting on energy-efficient building-management systems.

