
Drink-driver done twice on one night

JODIE Grigsby recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.219 after backing across a median strip in Albury's main street, crashing into a pedestrian sign and a street light on the opposite footpath.

She was not wearing a seat belt, appeared in a dishevelled state when police quickly arrived and the engine was still running.

Police took the keys and Grigsby had to be helped out.

A court has heard the incident happened about 2.30am on December 10 and Grigsby was released four hours later after being processed by police.

But just 20 minutes later, she returned to the police station to report her mobile phone and purse missing.

Grigsby had driven from Dean Street to Olive Street and parallel parked out the front of the station instead of being at a 45-degree angle.

She left the station at 7am, went towards her vehicle and police asked whether she drove there.

Her response was: "Yes. I needed to report my phone and purse stolen."

It led to her being arrested a second time and she recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.159.

The second driving episode was aggravated by the fact that police had suspended her licence after the first incident.

Grigsby, 36, of George Street, pleaded guilty in Albury Local Court to two counts of high range drink-driving and driving while her licence was suspended.

Magistrate Gordon Lerve was told she had lost her licence for similar offences in Victoria.

Mr Lerve said it was appropriate to get a pre-sentence report and adjourned her sentencing until March 20.

Grigsby told police she had six glasses of wine between 7pm and 2am.

Police were speaking to a driver in Dean Street when they heard the screeching of tyres a short distance away.

They heard a thud and saw Grigsby's vehicle go over the median strip from the southern side, hit a sign and then a street light on the northern kerb.

She was arrested at 2.30am, charged with drink-driving and had her driving privileges withdrawn.

Police said Grigsby showed no sign of remorse after driving the second time.

